A new series of free meetings for owners of cats aged 10+. Education, community, and love for cats!

Find support and advice with fellow owners as we navigate the journey of your cat's golden years!

Learn and share your experience alongside feline veterinarian Dr. Lacie Lee and event coordinator Melanie Mayeux . Other guests will include feline veterinarian Dr. Aimee Edwards and the Cat Care Center team of feline-centric veterinary nurses.

The topic for this meeting will be osteoarthritis in cats. During RSVP, you will be given a link to upload a video of your cat at home. Dr. Lacie Lee will talk about this common problem and analyze YOUR videos for signs of arthritis!

Questions and open discussion will follow.
Snacks and coffee will be served!

We're sure you and your family will enjoy our meetup, but your cat won't! Please, leave your pet at home. ðŸ™‚